The Writing Center's director, Carrie Brecke, teaches ENG 222: Writing About Ideas, at Roosevelt. This course employs a tutoring component in which all enrolled students must work in the Writing Center as a tutor three hours each week. It's always great working with the new writing tutors each semester, seeing their own literary development as they tutor. Often, students become staff tutors in the semesters that follow. recently, Carrie asked the students to write haikus about their tutoring experiences. They were so good she asked me to post them here. Enjoy!
-Dustin M. Flickinger
Uh Oh
He just read out loud
What it was on I know not
Man this will be long
The Power
Writing grows as trees
Plant seeds nurture the process
Stand twenty feet tall
Tutoring takes time
Like the fish swimming up stream
There will be success
A bird sings its song
A female bird comes along
Pause, leave, revision
Unbearable Silence
Like a waterfall
The silent session surrounds
My tutoring fails
Tutors and tutees
Require much dialogue
Silent and aloud
A Haiku Void of Nature
And also patience are the
Principal virtues
Please Visit Us
Free tea and coffee
Really comfy couches too
Yet no one comes here
There is no A. C.
Tutoring sessions are long
Write a thesis long
Treading Water
A lake without breeze
Surface like silence
Upon dialogue
Peer Tutoring Dialogue and a Tree
“My paper needs work”
“I won’t tell you what to do”
“We’ll help us learn” tree
Tao This
Writer wants your help
You teach writer by talking
Writer gets self help
To speak with meaning
To communicate strength
There is your success
What is You Us
Equality is
A child’s laughter on paper
Written, spoken, found
Writing can be hard
However, getting help is not.
Go ahead, improve.
Tutoring is good
Tutoring helps others learn
Tutoring helps you
I’m way too confused
I’m not quite sure where to go
Can you help me please?
Off to the Writing Center
The sun shines outside
I look at my blank paper
I put on my shoes
Honesty is the Key for Success
Tutoring for me
Tutoring for you as well
Your paper needs work